6 Women On The Lessons They’ve Learned From Their Mothers

6 Women On The Lessons They’ve Learned From Their Mothers

Kylie Gillies

Co-Host of The Morning Show

“It’s interesting when asked about motherly advice. I love dishing it out to my own teenage boys – by the spadeful – but I sometimes wonder if they’re even listening! However, in all of life’s pursuits, actions really do speak louder than words. So, when asked about advice from my own mum, it’s her presence – her ever-calming and always interested presence – that immediately springs to mind.

More so than her words. You can say to your children, ‘I’m always there for you’, but are you actually? Or ‘I’m proud of your achievement.’ It’s great to say it, but how much nicer is it for your children when you are there to witness it? Be it on the sporting sidelines, in the concert audience, or simply on the loungeroom floor when they complete the lego set.   

I'm from the country, and maybe that's why I lean towards the strong and (almost) silent archetype. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about being your children's cheerleaders. But if you’re right there by their side, maybe the cheers don’t have to quite as loud for them to hear it. They will feel it. And see it too.”

Zena Kaddour

Creative Director of House of K’Dor

“I feel so blessed to have had two strong, amazing women – my mother Nada, and my grandmother, Najar – shape me into the person I am today. My mother taught me the value of hard work, resilience and to never give up, and my grandmother showed me so much love and kindness. Together, they instilled in me the values of integrity and compassion, and the importance of family. We didn’t have much growing up, and it wasn’t always easy, but we had an abundance of love and for that I’m forever grateful. I lost my grandmother two years ago and that was very difficult as she was my sounding board and my biggest cheerleader, however I find strength knowing she’s always with me. My mother and I speak every day and I know I always have her support. I still learn from her every day.”

Erin Molan

Radio Presenter & Columnist

“Anything right that I do as a mother is because of my mum. Dad was away a lot with the army, so mum had to do a lot by herself, often overseas, at one stage with three children under three! Despite a rather unique and nomadic childhood, my siblings and I always felt so secure and, just as importantly, loved. I still need Mum as much as I ever have. I call her multiple times a day. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have my mum and my beautiful little girl to call me ‘mum’.”

Lauren Hannaford

Elite Gymnast and Founder of FHIT

“The greatest piece of advice that my mum has passed down to me is to always choose patience, and to treat people the way you would like to be treated. This advice has made such a big impact on the person and mother that I am today. It is always at the forefront of my mind with everything I do.”

Susan Armstrong

Founder and Editor of The Suite Collective

“I have learned so much from my mother; too many things to put down on the page, but I’ll try… She’s funny, warm and fiercely protective of her family. She’s also smart and thoughtful, has a photographic memory and a calculator for a brain. And she’s incredibly brave – she moved from Ireland to Australia (which might have been the moon it was that remote) in the mid-70s without knowing a soul except, of course, for my dad, my sister and I. She’s taught me to take chances, have the courage to follow my instincts and to always believe in myself. My mum gave me confidence. It’s been the single most valuable lesson I’ve learned. Because when you have confidence you can do pretty much anything.”

Tanya Perilli

Founder of Fashion Alta Moda

"My mother always taught me that honesty is the best policy, not only to others but also to yourself. To be truly honest with yourself, you become more fearless, you accept your mistakes, and in turn, learn and grow from them without judgment. You are what your core is. I teach the same to my children, you can pretend to be things people expect you to be, but when you are honest with yourself, you will be proud of who you are, and not afraid of what others think of you. Being true to yourself is important if you wish to be proud of who you are. For something to exist forever, it has to be true and authentic.”

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